API Documentation


Namespace: TagBites.WinSchedulers.Descriptors
Assembly: TagBites.WinSchedulers.dll

Provides information about buckets in the TagBites.WinSchedulers.BucketScheduler. This class cannot be inherited.

public sealed class BucketSchedulerBucketDescriptor : TagBites.WinSchedulers.ComponentModel.ComponentDescriptor


BucketSchedulerBucketDescriptor(Type, Func<object, object>, Func<object, object>)

Initializes a new instance of the TagBites.WinSchedulers.Descriptors.BucketSchedulerBucketDescriptor class with the specified task component type and delegate which provide row and column containing the bucket.

public void BucketSchedulerBucketDescriptor(Type componentType, Func<object, object> rowDelegate, Func<object, object> columnDelegate)

Result Type: void


TypecomponentTypeType of the component this descriptor is bound to.

BucketSchedulerBucketDescriptor(Type, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the TagBites.WinSchedulers.Descriptors.BucketSchedulerBucketDescriptor class with specified task component type, bucket row member and bucket column member.

public void BucketSchedulerBucketDescriptor(Type componentType, string rowMember, string columnMember)

Result Type: void


TypecomponentTypeThe type of the component this descriptor is bound to.
stringrowMemberthe name of the member that returns the bucket row
stringcolumnMemberthe name of the member that returns the bucket column



Gets or sets the delegate encapsulating a method that returns the bucket bar color.

public Func<object, Color> BarColorDelegate { get; set; }

Result Type: Func<object,Color>


Gets or sets the name of the member that returns the bucket bar color.

public string BarColorMember { get; set; }

Result Type: string


Gets or sets the delegate encapsulating a method that returns the bucket capacity.

public Func<object, double> CapacityDelegate { get; set; }

Result Type: Func<object,double>


Gets or sets the name of the member that returns the bucket capacity.

public string CapacityMember { get; set; }

Result Type: string


Gets or sets the delegate encapsulating a method that returns the bucket color.

public Func<object, Color> ColorDelegate { get; set; }

Result Type: Func<object,Color>


Gets or sets the name of the member that returns the bucket color.

public string ColorMember { get; set; }

Result Type: string


Gets or sets the delegate encapsulating a method that returns the column containing the bucket.

public Func<object, object> ColumnDelegate { get; set; }

Result Type: Func<object,object>


Gets or sets the name of the member that returns the column containing the bucket.

public string ColumnMember { get; set; }

Result Type: string


Gets or sets the delegate encapsulating a method that returns the bucket font color.

public Func<object, Color> FontColorDelegate { get; set; }

Result Type: Func<object,Color>


Gets or sets the name of the member that returns the bucket font color.

public string FontColorMember { get; set; }

Result Type: string


Gets or sets the delegate encapsulating a method that returns the row containing the bucket.

public Func<object, object> RowDelegate { get; set; }

Result Type: Func<object,object>


Gets or sets the name of the member that returns the row containing a bucket.

public string RowMember { get; set; }

Result Type: string


Gets or sets the delegate encapsulating a method that returns the text displayed by the bucket.

public Func<object, string> TextDelegate { get; set; }

Result Type: Func<object,string>


Gets or sets the name of the member that returns the text displayed by the bucket.

public string TextMember { get; set; }

Result Type: string